Commands are defined using the #command
method. You can use them to group together related options, to act like options or as both. Unlike Options, Commands can have multiple names, not just a short and long name. But Commands can still have arguments.
desc 'Create a new project'
command :new, :create, arg: '<dir>', as: Pathname do
# Set the default type to always be basic
set :type, :basic
desc 'Type of template to use (default: basic)'
opt :type, arg: '<choice>,
in: %w(basic complex custom),
as: Symbol
bool :force, 'Force overwrite'
Above a command has been created which can be used with either new
or create
. It then has two options defined in it. So it could be used like,
$ command_test new --force ~/my-project
$ command_test new --force --type custom ~/my-project
$ command_test create --type complex ~/my-project
As with #opt(ion)
a block is passed to #command
, but the block for Commands defines other Options. To define a block which is run when a Command is used, use #action
command :hello, arg: '<name>' do
action do |name|
puts "Hello #{name}"
Now that seems pretty pointless, you would use an Option not a Command there, but let's complicate it by allowing other languages.
command :hello, arg: '<name>' do
opt :lang, in: %w(english french german italian)
action do |name|
case get(:lang)
when 'english' then puts "Hello #{name}"
when 'french' then puts "Bonjour #{name}"
when 'german' then puts "Guten tag #{name}"
when 'italian' then puts "Ciao #{name}"
else puts "#{name}?"
So now you must supply a language to get a reply.
$ hello_test hello John
$ hello_test hello --english John
Hello John
$ hello_test hello John --italian
Ciao John
You may have noticed the usage of the #get
method in the previous example. This allows you to get a value set by an option, here by :lang