img blend

Blends two images together using the specified blend mode. Here the base layer is the bottom layer, and the blend layer the top.

List all available modes
--opacity <n>
Opacity of blend image layer (default: 1.0)
Fit the blend layer to the base layer, may result in loss of quality

The other flags allow you to select the blend mode used.

Selects the blend image
Randomly selects the blend image, depending on its opacity
Selects the darkest value for each colour channel
Multiplies each colour channel
Darkens the base image to increase contrast
Adds the blend colour to the base colour, then subtracts white
Selects the darkest colour by comparing the sum of channels
Selects the lightest value for each colour channel
Multiplies the inverse of each colour channel
Brightens the base image to decrease contrast
Adds the blend colour to the base colour
Selects the lightest colour by comparing the sum of channels
Multiplies or screens the colours, depending on the base colour
Darkens or lightens the colours, depending on the blend colour
Multiplies or screens the colours, depending on the blend colour
Linear burns or dodges to colours, depending on the blend colour
Replaces the colours, depending on the blend colour
Makes all pixels red, green, blue, white or black
Finds the absolute difference between the base and blend colour
Creates an effect similar to, but lower in contrast than, difference
Subtracts the blend colour from the base colour
Uses just the hue of the blend colour
Uses just the saturation of the blend colour
Uses just the hue and saturation of the blend colour
Uses just the luminosity of the blend colour