Sorted Flexbox Lists

This is a technique I haven’t seen anywhere else, so here it is…

Say you have a list of items that you want to be able to filter. Items that don’t match should fade out and be pushed below matching items. Here’s a list to start with,

<input type="text" placeholder="Filter..." />

The first step is to make it a flex list:

ul {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

Then add a class which represents the “hidden” elements, these are made transparent and pushed to the bottom with order: 1,

.hidden {
  opacity: .3;
  order: 1;

Finally add a little javascript to apply/remove the class

function filter(val) {
  for (var li of document.querySelectorAll("li")) {
    if (li.innerHTML.contains(val)) {
    } else {

document.querySelector("input").onkeyup = function() {

And it is done. No sorting the list with javascript or anything complex, just simple class manipulation with flexbox. An example should be below to play with: